1、National Geographic Virtual Library美国国家地理虚拟图书馆链接如下:
2、Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Asia and the West十九世纪作品在线:亚洲与西方
3、 China and the Modern World: Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955中国与现代世界:上海及公共租界档案,1836-1955年
4、 AU:Political Relations and Conflict between Republican China and Imperial Japan, 1930-1939: Records of the U.S. State Department
AU: Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941
AU: China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 1
AU: China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 2